Back in the Groove

The first step to a serious training plan? Make time for it. Such a pitifully obvious revelation, and yet I hadn’t been doing it.

Last month, I scheduled my kickboxing classes into my Tuesdays and Thursdays, blocking off the time as though they were recurring client meetings. I’ve been really good about sticking to that schedule, too, skipping only when I’ve been out of town and running in its place.

This week, I decided to do the same with running. Instead of trying to wedge in a few minutes before a conference call, I actually allowed my run to have a block of time all its own. And you know what? I ran more than I have in months.

Now I just need to figure out how to work in any form of exercise while traveling with my 3-year-old boy next week.

Tuesday’s workout: 60 minutes of kickboxing

Wednesday’s workout: 3.15 miles (slightly longer than a 5K) at one of my faster paces

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