Kid With the Comeback
The other day, at school dropoff, one of the kids came up to The Assistant:
“Why do you ride your bike every day? That’s so stupid.” He practically spit out the last word. “And you’re a stupid dumbhead for doing it.”
I was enraged. I was defensive. I wanted to scream, “Nuh-uh! It’s not stupid!” in the most childish reaction possible. But I kept my mouth shut.
What did The Assistant do? He shrugged and unclipped his helmet. “It’s a lot of fun, actually. I like it. It’s healthy, too. You should try it!”
Thus I learn that my 6-year-old son is leaps and bounds more mature than I am.
Oh, the mileage tally, as of the end of today:
Me: 75.25
The Assistant: 32.55
At this rate, he’ll blow his 40-miles-per-month goal out of the water, even with me leaving for a five-day business trip.
That’s my week. How about yours? I know that Jason nearly dropped dead from dehydration in Texas, and Greg set a new half marathon PR in San Francisco. Anyone else have anything interesting to share?
Tags: bicycle, bike, car replacement, cycling, Kids, maturity, training