Training: Try It

Kid With the Comeback

"Look, Mom! That logo looks like you!"

“Look, Mom! That logo looks like you!”

The other day, at school dropoff, one of the kids came up to The Assistant:

“Why do you ride your bike every day? That’s so stupid.” He practically spit out the last word. “And you’re a stupid dumbhead for doing it.”

I was enraged. I was defensive. I wanted to scream, “Nuh-uh! It’s not stupid!” in the most childish reaction possible. But I kept my mouth shut.

What did The Assistant do? He shrugged and unclipped his helmet. “It’s a lot of fun, actually. I like it. It’s healthy, too. You should try it!”

Thus I learn that my 6-year-old son is leaps and bounds more mature than I am.

Oh, the mileage tally, as of the end of today:

Me: 75.25

The Assistant: 32.55

At this rate, he’ll blow his 40-miles-per-month goal out of the water, even with me leaving for a five-day business trip.

That’s my week. How about yours? I know that Jason nearly dropped dead from dehydration in Texas, and Greg set a new half marathon PR in San Francisco. Anyone else have anything interesting to share?

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