The adorable Nuu-Muu Zap dress.
When you join a fundraising team like Team in Training, your first season is easy. Everyone is so proud of you! Of course they want to donate! Good for you! Here’s a check!
When you return for a second season, they’re a little less enthusiastic. At it again, eh? Fundraising already? Didn’t I just give you a check?
By the third year, your requests for donations tend to be met with nothing but the chirp of crickets.

Your favorite caffeine addict will love Muddy Dog Coffee.
So this year, I decided to get creative. This year, I’m putting together a fundraising raffle. For every $5 donated, you get one entry into the random drawing for the fabulous prizes that have been graciously donated by the following sponsors:
- The adorable Zap running dress (or wear around town dress) from Nuu-Muu
- Wine on Tuesdays by Debra and Keith Gordon
- Handmade jewelry
- The “Like a Mother” books: Run Like a Mother and Train Like a Mother (“Like a Mother” was probably a catchier phrase than “Like Anyone Who Happens to be Stretched Too Thin by Work, Life and Family but Still Wants to Run”) by Sarah Bowen Shea and Dimity McDowell
- Muddy Dog Coffee
- Résumé writing services by the superfantastic Lori Graham
- Peet’s Coffee
- Frank Sinatra box set
I’m still working with other vendors to get more exciting prizes, but there’s plenty of cool stuff to be excited about already.
Want to help me out by donating prizes or entering the raffle? All contributions are tax deductible.
The raffle is tentatively scheduled for June 30, 2012, assuming that all prizes arrive on time, as promised. Pass along the link to friends, coworkers, neighbors, or anyone else who might want to contribute to something that benefits blood cancer patients and their families.
Go Team!
Tags: another mother runner, debra gordon, dimity mcdowell, fundraising, jewelry, keith gordon, lori graham, muddy dog coffee, nuu-muu, peet's, prize, raffle, run like a mother, sarah bowen shea, sinatra, team in training, train like a mother, wine on tuesdays