Betty Says: Be Thankful

I'm grateful for my "lovobl" Tiny Kitchen Assistant.

I know that everyone is writing Thanksgiving blog posts, but I still feel like I should share some of the things that I’m thankful for this year.

In no particular order…

I’m thankful for my health.

I’m thankful for my smart, funny, self-sufficient little boy. I’m so proud of the person he’s becoming.

I’m thankful for my husband who doesn’t always understand why I do things, yet supports me anyway.

I’m thankful for my Nana, who’s still a happy lady at 93 years old.

I’m thankful for my friends, the ones who support, encourage and push me to be a better person every day.

I’m thankful for the things we always take for granted, like clean water, electricity, a roof over my head and access to a reliable internet connection to share the Betty blog with all of you.

I’m thankful that I’ve learned how to cook. I may not be a gourmet, but I muddle through just fine.

And I’m thankful for all of you for coming back again and again.

What are you thankful for this year? Share in the comments, please. And have a happy Thanksgiving, everyone. Eat well.

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