Posts Tagged ‘ packing ’

What Would Betty Do Logo Betty Says: Travel Carry-On

One Week in a Rollaboard Suitcase I’ve written about my ability to pack in a carry-on suitcase before, but this time I took detailed photos for the benefit of my friend who is just not a carry-on traveler. (Hi, Terri!) The hotel room lighting was mediocre, but hey, at least I remembered to take pictures […] Read More

What Would Betty Do Logo The Night Before a Trip

OCD Pre-Trip Checklists The night before I depart for any trip usually goes as follows: There’s still room in this suitcase. Maybe one more shirt…. I can’t forget my passport. Crap! Where is my passport? (Discovered 15 minutes later, safely stashed in the secure pocket of my briefcase.) Do I need this client file? I […] Read More

What Would Betty Do Logo Betty Says: Pack Like a Pro

I can pack for any trip, any length of time, in a single rolling carry-on suitcase. Don’t believe me? I recently packed for a 10-day winter trip for two adults and one child in two rollaboard suitcases. Jeans or pants were worn twice. Everything else was worn once. How is this possible? Rolling. I heard […] Read More